Want to become a member of RUTS?
1) Print and Fill out the New Member Application. Mail it in to the P.O. Box address at the bottom of the application.
2) One of our club trustees to call you after your application is received. While you’re waiting, come to any of our club rides, races or RUTS events and check us out. You can also contact us with any questions!
3) Once the trustee has reviewed your application and spoken with you, the members will vote based on his recomendation. Membership voting takes place at our membership meetings, the first Monday of each month. You are always welcome to attend these meetings, before, during and after your application process.
Membership requirements
1) Love the Lord Jesus Christ
2) Agree with our statement of faith on the application
3) Attend at least 2 RUTS events (rides, races or meetings) per year
4) Participate (serve / volunteer) at our annual District 37 race event put on in June
Call or email us anytime with questions, we would LOVE to talk with you about RUTS! Click here for RUTS officers contact information