Since 1967 Mike Tarter had always been a motorcycle extremist. It seemed as though dirt was in his blood. In January of 1983 Mike became another sort of extremist. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. After that day he found that his goals in life and on the bike had changed. Mike was looking for some friends to ride with that were the same as him, CHRISTIANS! Not knowing anyone from church with a bike, Mike placed an ad in Cycle News, Wanted – Christian Off-roaders to ride and fellowship with. Well, he started getting phone calls and in February of 1984 the first Racers Under The Son (R.U.T.S.) meeting was held, in Cypress California. Twelve people met that night and in three months the number was up to fifty. Today RUTS members number about 235 families. These people have all come together to share GOD’S love and enjoy the great outdoors.
RUTS is a non-denominational group of Christian off-road enthusiasts. Our purpose is to be an evangelistic outreach to those who need Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We also want to bring revival to those who are saved. The desert & motocross racing/riding community has many clubs. Racers Under The Son is not just another club, we love the Lord and enjoy fellowship with other Christians. Our monthly club rides range from the low desert to the high Sierras. All are welcome to our monthly meetings as well as our rides. God has given each of us special talents and interests, ours is dirt and bikes. With this gift of joy we have in the deserts and forests, we have the responsibility of sharing God’s word with the unsaved. RUTS holds campfire praise music and bible studies at our club events.

At the District 37 races, RUTS holds Sunday morning worship services whenever possible. RUTS puts on the Meltdown Dual European Scrambles event in late June. It takes place in the Mojave desert, hence the name “Meltdown”. This event is an official District 37 racing event and was part of the “Best of the West” series in 1989, 90, 92 and 93. At this race we have a chance to show how God’s love effects our lives to put on a quality event. There has always been a band at The Meltdown, singing and witnessing. It really is a lot of fun, come out for the music even if you do not have bike. In 1999 we became part of the Southern Calif. AMA Motocross Series putting on a race at the Elsinore track. Our monthly rides are geared for ages 0-99. They are family oriented, yet offer challenging small scale events such as, trials, enduros, point to point rides and some just plain fun riding for all skill levels. Look for us at District 37 races, we will be under the RUTS banner. If you live in Northern California, RUTS has a chapter in the Sacramento area also, and we can be found at the District 36 races. In So. Ca. contact Annie Mills (310)831-0966.

RUTS is a non profit organization. We do charge for membership however, ($25 a year) to cover the newsletter printing and postage expenses. The RUTS newsletter comes out once a month and contains the details for the monthly club ride and a map of how to get there. RUTS is by no means a substitute for your local church. We are merely an extension to your Christian family. We wish to see everyone actively participating in their local congregations and bettering their community through the safe and sober operation of their dirt bikes and leading a good moral life. We want to see people united for Christ and living victorious lives as born again Christians. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, come talk to one of our members at an event.