In lieu of DIRT being canceled this month, we have many families who wish to still venture out and ride. Anybody who wants to ride has a few options.
- We have a few families going to Wagon Wheel, off Trona Road in Ridgecrest. This location is only a few miles from the original Family DIRT location. Here is a link to Google Maps.
Darren and Teresa Schmidt will have a RUTS flag flying at camp. Darrens cell is (661) 209-2146 - In Ocotillo Wells, near the County Line Road, there is a men’s event, similar to Mens DIRT, called Desert Rat. It is hosted by North Point Church. It does have a registration fee and food is provided. Barry Mittner and his crew will be there and he can be reached at (805) 990-7231. Look for the RUTS flag.…/the-desert-rat…/
- KOH. King of the Hammers is going on in Johnson Valley. I dont know exactly who is going yet, but stay tuned. More info on this event can be found here.
- I heard a few people might be camping in Barstow. David Kindstrand? I will find out and update this post when I do.
Wherever you go this coming weekend, and whomever you end up camping with, dont forget the purpose of RUTS. To Shine a Light in the desert. Have fun everybody and we will all get together in March for the Lost Mine Poker Run on March 17-19