The Duncan’s will host this years Thanksgiving Club Ride at South Anderson Dry lake. Come join us before or after your family dinner. We will be setting up camp on TUESDAY NIGHT. If your arrive earlier, please MARK in your location, so we don’t have two camps on Thursday morning. Fly a flag, mark on a pie plate or print you up some RUTS ARROWS on card stock! We don’t have anything special planned, so come out for a low key, relaxing weekend of riding and some camfire fellowship. Camp will be near the hillside adjacent to the dry lake, not far from the BLM restrooms. Look for the RUTS arrows and the big blue RUTS flag.

Our preferred camp area if you arrive before we do is linked with this Google Earth KMZ


GPS coordinates:


Trialboss: Scot and Trish Duncan: (949) 370-8582 or (949) 370-9130


Anderson Dry Lake Johnson Valley Lucerne