Cougar ButtesHello RUTS!
Time to think about May Club ride/work weekend. We have adjusted the “NORMAL” club ride weekend (usually the THIRD weekend of the month), to the LAST weekend for this month, sot hat we can also use it for our “Meltdown work day”. Both course captains will be there to do course set up on the courses, and on Saturday we will ribbon the loops! It would be great to get all the check captains, sweep, start captains and finish captains there too to do some recon and set up prior to Meltdown. Whomever arrives first on Thursday or Friday night, please mark in camp and try to secure a large area for us to stage on Saturday, when the majority of the club members will arrive for the day. I (John Wiltsey) will be there EARLY Saturday by the sign up area at the buttes. We need to be ready for some crowds as it’s a holiday weekend.  We are planning to completely ribbon and stake the courses, only leaving the actual paper arrows till race week. Schedule (proposed) for Sat
Day riders arrive at 7am
8AM begin ribboning courses
6PM Dinner Potluck Fellowship.Bring your favorite “flesh” to cook  (I’ll bring out my BBQ and plenty briquetts, extra BBQ’s welcome). If your last name Begins with A-M bring a side dish, vegges, salad or “starch”. If your last name begins with N-Z bring a fruit salad or a dessert.

I will provide condiments, plates, cutlery & drinks. We will have an evening devotion time and prayer for Meltdown after dinner


8AM Devotion / Church
10 AM finish any course marking and stakes etc.
Free time, maybe ride to rockpile/pinnacles/dunes/Anderson etc

Monday (its a HOLIDAY!)

Open, and open to ideas, or just beat the traffic home?

See you all there!

MAP to Cougar Buttes

John Wiltsey
Trailboss and Meltdown Referee
(626) 641-1968

Cougar Buttes