20111106-215810.jpg Thanksgiving weekend will find RUTS heading out to Anderson Dry Lake. Danny and Caprice Zierau will trail boss this three-day weekend club ride. There are no races in the area this weekend, as there has been in the past, so there will be lots of room to roam! Last years November club ride was coated just not he North side of South Anderson Dry Lake and Danny set up a poker run ride into the hills on the other side of Camp Rock road. We will post directions and exact location the week prior to the club ride. Come out and join us for some great fall riding! Camp will likely be marked in on Thursday, but check the message board or website for exact locations prior to heading out. Please don’t forget to bring some firewood with you. If you have questions about any activities or the location, email Danny and Caprice at rutsracer@yahoo.com
