Our annual New Years ride is coming up. The first arriving RUTS members will mark camp in with RUTS arrows from 20 Mule Team Road and Highway 395.

See MAP links below for camp location
Our club ride scheduled for:
Friday Dec 28th through Tuesday Jan 1st

We will be camped at the first dry lake bed, in the same location we have used for past 6 years.

We will have planned rides to the Husky Monument, Inscription Canyon, Randsburg, The Squid Pit and Around the single track in Fremont Peak.

GPS: 35° 13.258’N 117° 26.582’W
Google Earth (KMZ):http://tinyurl.com/RUTSnewyearscamp
Google Maps: http://tinyurl.com/RUTSnewyearscamp2
PDF Map: http://tinyurl.com/RUTSnewyearscamp3

DIRECTIONS. Take highway 395 NORTH from Kramer Junction (395/58) for 18.5 miles Turn RIGHT onto Cuddeback Road (20 Mule Team Road), go 5.2 miles and turn RIGHT again onto a marked road that will go TOWARDS the dry lake. There will be RUTS arrows at this intersection. Do NOT turn right onto Hoffman Road at the 4.6 mile mark. Instead, continue to the RUTS marked road that is .6 miles FURTHER. Go onto Cuddeback Dry Lake (unless its wet) and turn RIGHT. Follow the Lake / road to the 5 way intersection. There will be more arrows at this intersection. Go THROUGH the intersection, and continue approximately 2 more miles to the un names dry lake at the base of Fremont Peak Mountain. Follow the RUTS arrows from Highway 395, all the way to camp.

Please don’t forget to bring a dessert to share SATURDAY night and also FIREWOOD!
For more information or questions
Check out the RUTS Facebook page
or email ruts@ruts.org